Hello abode lovers and happy Friday! I hope this back to work week has been okay for everyone... I still feel like I'm floundering a bit, but by Monday next week I'm hoping to make a full recovery! Being away from work for so long is wonderful, but getting back in the swing of things can be ROUGH! Anyone else feeling that way this week? Like, a little zombie-ish?

Anyway, today, I want to discuss dog art. That's right. Dog art. I guess being a dog lover makes me partial to this subject, but I just adore dog artwork. It's pretty visible in my abode that I'm a lover of the canine species.... Here is the dog art in my abode:

The gallery wall in my hallway contains a beautiful photo of King, our yellow lab, and Lady, our cocker spaniel. This photo was taken the day of Mister Husband and my engagement shoot a few years ago. The super small canvas painting was painted by ME a few years ago. I knew I wanted something super tiny for this little space in my gallery wall and that quirky little pup was just the thing!

This little Lady planter is so precious to me! I now have succulents planted in her back, but it's one of my favorite pieces in my entire abode. I snagged it from Etsy for around $10. SCORE! She sits on top of an agate stone that I found at TJMaxx.

This little Lady is also super cute. I love the gold touches on this sweet girl! I know, I know.... you're wondering where the labs are... well, I just haven't been as lucky in finding King dog decor! This little ceramic dog was another lucky Etsy find on the cheap!

And here is the latest dog art for the abode: thank you Ebay for this vintage 1907 cocker spaniel print. I LOVE it! And for $14, I feel like I hit the jackpot with this little number. I need to get it framed asap!

here it is in my possession...

Here are a few beautiful spaces that contain the most amazing pup art! I love these paintings around the bed. They add so much color and life to this space. I think it's a super quirky subject for the bedroom, but I think that's why I love it!

I thought these little staffordshire dogs were super cute sitting on their pedestals. I would love a pair of white staffordshires like these, I have a pair that have spots-- but these are just so sleek!

I've seen this little pink guy all over the blog world and I love it. The colors are fresh and the clean silhouette is fun and modern. I also love that this piece is framed in such a traditional frame with a creamy background. I think it's super unexpected for this piece, but I love it. 

Look at those pups behind the sofa. Stop it. So cute.

A print like this lab would be perfect for my abode! King would love it. I would hate for him to get a complex about the cocker spaniel artwork all over the abode... Don't you just love the color palette in this space? The gallery wall is so rich and full of life. I love what artwork can bring to space.

This quirky dog art is so fabulous. I also really like the unexpected frame... wouldn't this be precious for a nursery or kids space!?!

Dog on the mantle. That portrait is so sophisticated. 

I have always LOVED this space. I think in large part because of the huge portrait of the spotted pup over the mantle. Gorgeous. 

Look at that... what a great piece for a kids room. It's brings a level of sophistication to the space, but the subject matter keeps it young and playful. Gotta love a weenie dog.

This is quite a dog art collection. What I wouldn't do to have a handful of those guys... 

Any of you feel like you should be paying homage to your pup somewhere in your abode?!? I am feeling super guilty about not having more labrador artwork in the abode... maybe I should paint something for poor little big King.

Have a great weekend and HAPPY FRIDAY abode lovers!


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