so, i've officially had an excellent birthday! But now its time for a re-cap of my weekend drapery project as well as some of the fun things I got for my birthday!

But, first things first... I have realized over the past weekend that our yellow lab likes the limelight... I feel like I spent my whole weekend "shewing!" our pup out of the photo... so,  I feel like I should introduce the big fella... His name is King. Lots of people have compared him to Marley, of Marley& Me... but Mr. Husband demands that he is much more behaved than that... (maybe just around Mr.Hubbs though...)

so, here is the cake that Mr. Hubbs got me for my birthday :) 

... and here is King, trying to make this photo all about him....
and this is me giving him what he wants... his moment in the limelight... aka, the refrigerator light... 

and while I am on the subject of pups, I must introduce my little cocker spaniel, Lady... this is how she prefers to spend her time-- 

Now... back on subject... DRAPES! I thoroughly enjoyed creating drop cloth curtains with my new sewing machine over the weekend! I got the idea from one of my sweet friends who also blogs- check here out here

So here is what I did... I purchased the biggest drop cloths that I could find from Lowe's, and some fun trim from Jo-Ann fabrics- 

and again, proof of the camera hog... 

So, drop cloth drapes are super-duper easy... it was a great first sewing project- the drop cloths were so huge, so I cut them down to the correct size... 

then I folded over a 3" pocket for the drapery rod-
once I pinned down the entire panel, I ironed the fold...
time to sew!
it looks like I was sewing in the dark... because I was! why not? it was hot, and my brotha' has a little light... NOW, it was time for the fun... I decided on the pink trim- love it. I used a glue gun for this... it was so quick and easy!
NEXT, it was time to hang the rod... all by myself. Usually Mister Husband tackles this portion of the project... not this time! I was drilling my holes when I realized that I had lost our hammer... so I had to make a special trip to the store- that wasn't annoying or anything... 
look at that... anchors, screws... done!
Here is the guest room before... notice that the queen size bed is not centered on the window... this makes me crazy- but I really needed the space- so, my plan was to conceal this fudge... 
here is the room from another angle before...
and here it is after!
I also spray painted the frames on the right side... much better!
here are my pink pom-poms up close- they create whimsy!
So- that's that! I really love my drapes! They were cheap, and so easy to make! I think I will be using drop cloths again in my decorating! 


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