Hello abode lovers, and happy Thursday... we're ALMOST there, one day away and we'll be enjoying the weekend! Well, yesterday afternoon I decided to go check out Design*Sponge and see if Grace Bonney had blogged about her time in Birmingham, Alabama during her book tour... I was casually scrolling through the D*S posts with Katie Beth (from the good stuff) when all of the sudden, we were SQUEALING with delight! LOOK AT YO GIRL.... hanging out with Grace Bonney in the 'Ham!

Yep, that's us... top right! We made it into the handful of photos that were posted from that night!

I also realized that I never shared my experience with all of my abode lovers out there, some of you may remember that I did the "in her shoes" feature on Effortless Style and documented the day that I went to the Design*Sponge book signing, if not, take a look here!

Here is a snippet of my day....

5:30 pm: Happy Hour at Cocina Superior with friends from work, waiting for the Design*Sponge book signing to begin! I'm always up for a margartia... I am a mexican food FREAK.

6:30 pm: I have my Design*Sponge book in hand, and am SO ready to meet Grace Bonney!

there she is!

6:45 pm: Getting my book signed! I was such a dork, I said nothing of substance... I just nodded and smiled a lot... classic.

our group! I know, it's blurry- that's thanks to my skank, old iphone... sorry about that!

Me and Grace Bonney!

I hope all of you have an awesome day! 


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