Hello abode lovers! So, I don't usually blog on the weekends, but this weekend has been pretty darn fun (in a low key kind of way). I have been shopping around for a semi-local e-client and have been truly enjoying every minute of it!

Here are some of the fun things I have been purchasing for my super amazing and fun e-client:

This will be the "wow" gallery wall in her living room. My clients already have a beautiful mirrored console, so I added all of the fun things around this piece to add light, life and interest to this side of the room. I love what hanging plates can bring to a space.... they're like pillows for your wall, and who doesn't love pillows!?

Here is everything coming together on the floor of my office... the frames will contain gorgeous photos of my clients! I snagged those frames for $5 at Homegoods- and the mats were under $7 for both of them. 

The aqua labyrinth dinner plates are from ZGallerie and were around $30 for all 4.  The watercolor petals dinner plates are from Anthropologie and were $24 a piece. 

These french blue gelato frames are from ZGallerie as well... this swooping white ceramic bowl is another steal from Homegoods for around $17.

I snagged this gorgeous wire-y bowl from ZGallerie on clearance for $20, score! This will be perfect on top of the coffee table... 

I love setting everything up in the store... it's SO much fun. 

These are the pillows we have so far... the two in the back are from ZGallerie and the one in the front is from Anthropologie. I am loving the color/pattern combination. 

this is on it's way from anthropologie

and 2 of these gorgeous amber lamps are on their way from worldmarket

They snagged one of these today from a local shop... but you can snag one here. Am I the only one going gaga over driftwood?? 

I grabbed this great white ceramic lamp from TJMaxx last night for $50! I loved the base, but I really hated the lampshade. I ran over to JoAnn fabric and grabbed a yard of this gorgeous french blue Waverly to cover the plain lampshade. The color and pattern will echo the same style of the aqua labyrinth plated from ZGallerie. A little spray adhesive and a glue gun is all you need to cover a lampshade. I spent $15 on all of the supplies for the lampshade and I think it will be lovely sitting on top of the driftwood side table.

This is the coffee table that my clients are coming to pick up tomorrow from a local store... it's a GREAT piece with a ton of character. I love, love the color of the wood. I also adore the fact that there are shallow drawers to conceal magazines, remote controls, dvd's and all that fun stuff! I also love a piece of furniture on wheels... so awesome, I die.

Check out those fabulous bin pulls and the alternate wood handles... gosh I love this piece. 

This is something fun about this piece... you can swing out the "arms" and they stop the drawers from opening. I'm not sure why they are necessary, but I love the look. 

While my super cute client was out picking up the coffee table, she saw this looker and couldn't resist! I love this bright, ikat wingback. This will look perfect in her space! Hooray for impulse buys! (especially when they're good ones...)

Anyone else already jealous of my client's space!? I am!!! I hope everyone has has a great weekend! If you are interested in my design services or e-design services please contact me at laureldawndesigns@gmail.com


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