Yep... that's right! It's wedding month AGAIN. For those of you who are new to Abode Love, I have decided that every year I shall bless April as being Abode Love's Wedding Month! (which is also the month that Mr. Hubbs and I got hitched) What does that mean exactly? Well... that I will reminisce unabashedly about the day my Mister became my Mister Husband (along with all of the dirty details that went into planning the big day). If you were following Abode Love last year during wedding month, just grin and try to bear it-- it's the same wedding you saw a year ago... but maybe you'd like to stroll down memory lane with me?? I also plan on featuring some pretty fabulous weddings, photos, invitations and more!

Don't worry... there will still be abode inspired things this month as well. If you are completely OVER weddings, don't write me off for the entire month, I will still be pouring over gorgeous interiors as well as weddings! I also plan on marrying the two subjects as well... don't pardon my pun.... it was awesome.

To start us off... I would like to introduce you to our wedding, which my mom and myself affectionately named the "McWedding".... and yes, the combination of my mom and myself beat "Fronk" any day! And let me just say, my mom is nothing short of a super woman. She can do ALL. I mean, ALL. (more on my insanely talented mom later....)

The McWedding was photographed by a friend of mine from my days in Auburn, Stephen DeVries Photography. He is amazing. Ah, mazing. So- all of these stunning photos were taken by Stephen and his talented team. He used a wide range of mediums, which I loved. From old school film to polaroids and digital... I loved the classic look of my wedding photos. 

Here are the photos taken before the wedding took place... I love the "get ready" photos, they're always my favorite. 

my mom wore Chanel on her wedding day too.....

There's a HUGE story behind this dress. That's for another post. Let's just say Kenneth Pool started my dress... and my mom finished it. It's a one-of-a-kind thanks to pure, ridiculous talent and perseverance from my Super Mom.

my wedding gift from Mister Husband... before he was Mister Husband. 
(I'm a huge SATC fan, huge. And the Mister has seen every single episode as well.... How do I know this? Well, our first date began with the first DVD in the first season of SATC- and we watched every episode together! So the shoes were fitting...)

my mom made the vail, twice. (I ripped the first one at my bridal portraits!)

Here's sweet Lady doing what she does best... begging for food.

my precious friends and bridesmaids.

Every man wore a different color of argyle socks. 

Rhino cufflinks that I gave the Mister while we were dating. 

 So handsome. (this is when our home was just a bachelor pad... so yes, that is our metallic striped hallway)

My older sister and Matron of Honor. (all of you know her as Nene from Atlanta with the Friends of the Forest Nursery)

Love these girls.


My beautiful Super Mom.

Super Mom and Colonel Dad

my baby brother... (he's not a baby anymore... he's a TWEEN, week!)

our program, designed by me. More on this and other paper pieces later....

Get it... the "Mcwedding" 

 Super Mom sewed approximately 30 of these flags... this is where the name Super Mom comes from...

This photo is our favorite from the entire wedding, you know, it's the one that our parents have framed in their abodes...

baby brother again... 

Mister and his mom... she made the boutonnieres, they are fabulous.

Colonel Dad.

really toasty, cooling off-- I'm always hot, so to anyone who knows me at all... this is very typical!

My super mom and my THREE beautiful sisters... Cheerio, Nene and Sunshine.

Colonel Dad snapping a quick photo

almost time...

Happy Monday abode lovers! I will reveal more of my wedding details later this week!


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