and it's IN! after a few little mix-ups, and about a week without a sink, we are finally in business! (well, kind of) Mister Husband and Colonel Dad will be installing the faucet this afternoon (if all goes as planned)... and then, we will be able to get to the backsplash! (well... first we will have to install new sheet rock, but THEN the backsplash) I am so excited... Mister Husband and I swear that it looks like a completely different abode!

If you don't remember the before, here it is... for the entire post about how I painted my cabinets, check out this post from May.

here it is after we pulled off all of the countertops... beautiful (ignore the junk drawer in the bottom right corner!)

The outside countertops being installed!
and there is our first island countertop... the opening for the sink was cut wrong on this beauty, so it never left the trailer! We waited a few days to get another slab cut...
TA-DA! island, done! Love, love our sink via overstock- and can't wait to see the beautiful faucet! I had the island extended 3 inches on the side with the bar, and it makes a huge difference. It's amazing what a few inches can do for your counter space! Also, we extended the remaining edges an extra inch. This creates a nice shadow, and makes the island look more like a piece of furniture.
I can't believe we finally have granite... after 2 years of being in our humble abode, we have beautiful granite countertops! I feel like I've made it to the big leagues people... watch out!
I hope to be posting more pics of our kitchen progress soon! Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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