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happy halloween & welcome to my officehappy halloween & welcome to my office

So- in honor of it being Halloween, I would like to introduce all of my abode lovers to my office. "Why?" you ask... well, because it's orange and black. Yes. Orange and Black. Check it out....The walls are a high gloss super light gray. The ceiling is a high gloss gray two shades darker. I wanted t…

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why i've been m.i.a. AND new furniture!why i've been m.i.a. AND new furniture!

what is my problem? Well- I haven't been blogging as much lately thanks to the new "day job." I made a career move a few months ago- I drive a lot more, spend less time at home- but it's worth it! I am still finding my footing and trying to get used to all of the new changes.... With all that said- …

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feature friday: hardware fail, and chaise revealfeature friday: hardware fail, and chaise reveal

So, they're going back. For those of you who are a bit lost about what I am referring to... HERE is the previous post concerning kitchen hardware. I like them- but they're just not working with my cabinets. I apologize for the quality of these photos, but I was in a bit of a hurry- and now I am read…

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what is the same?what is the same?

I received my kitchen hardware in the mail yesterday, I will post photos soon! Bur for now- I have something else to share! I have been keeping a little secret for a few weeks concerning my abode. I made a rather large (for me) purchase for my abode! I ordered 3 items that will be coming to me in th…

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cabinet hardware help!cabinet hardware help!

Hello Abode Lovers! So- remember when I had to explain to all of you that the kitchen re-do has been put on hold until I can call dibbs on Colonel Dad? Well... I have bypassed this hurdle and have still managed to make a little headway in the kitchen. I ORDERED NEW HARDWARE!!! I really thought that …

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anthropologie's snappy retortanthropologie's snappy retort

what do I mean by snappy retort you ask? I mean, Anthro has made a pretty serious comeback after disappointing me with some of their early fall items. I've got to say, I really haven't been loving their rugs or their new upholstery. I used to dream of Anthropologie's upholstered chairs and rugs- and…

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