Hello abode lovers and happy first day of summer! I am one year older today and happy to have plans to spend time with Mister Husband and the family tonight! As for today, I'll be doing the norm, working away and laughing the day away with coworkers. Look at what I found this morning while walking in to my cube...

Now, let me explain. I do not have a thing for Steve Buscemi... one of my male coworkers wanted to join in the fun of posting beautiful men above my cube, so there's that. Also, while I think Justin Bieber is a sweet little boy, he's definitely not a man, not yet anyway. My coworker, Katie Beth from The Good Stuff, and I enjoy the Justin Bieber Christmas album a little too much, hence the almost life size photo of his head over my desk. As for Zac Efron, he's a goodie-- as well as Edward Cullen... those two are always welcome in my cube.

To get in the birthday spirit, I have painted my nails in ombre glitter for the week. I tell you what, glitter just makes life more fun. My advice to you, do this. You'll love looking and your happy fingers- I'm pretty much obsessed with the look and haven't worn glitter since middle school! (I have also added this look to my toes... I'm glitter obsessed) 

As I mentioned last week, I have been working on lots of little projects around the house and can't wait to share all of them with you--  Here is a little sneak peek of a project that's still underway. It's one of those projects that I thought would take 2 hours and it's turned into a 12 hour time sucker... more on that later...

I just wanted to share a few snippets of whats going on in my life today... I can't believe I'm one year older... birthdays are always bittersweet to me, so I'm trying to focus on how happy I am in my life rather than be sad that it's all happening so much more quickly than I had expected when I was a kid. Anyone else feel nostalgic and a little weepy on your birthday?? Does it feel like time is FLYING by to anyone else? I swear, just the other day I was 22.... not so much anymore :)


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