Hello abode lovers and happy hump day! I have had a fun little week thus far... my parents are out of town which means my baby sister and baby brother are fending for themselves (kind of). My baby sis, whom I like to refer to as Cheerio, is now fast and furious-- she's 16 and driving all over the place. However, my baby brother has so many activities, practices and games that I've attempted to step in this week and play SuperMom (not easy).

Here are a few instagram pics from the past week or so.....

I'm still in love with my new chandy... can't get enough views of this pretty little guy.

Here he is again... in all his sparkly, linear glory. I'm also still digging my new Gloria's Garden rug... goodness, there are a LOT of fun and new changes in the abode! I love how just a few new things can change the whole space!

These two knuckle-heads took a little ride to my parent's house over the weekend. They love my SuperMom's Restoration Hardware steals... I'm sure they would love for SuperMom to give them the cushions... but she's way too smart for that. 

Here's baby bro in all his glory... padded up and ready to hit someone. Clear eyes full hearts. 

This killed me yesterday. Britney Spears on Ellen... loved her dress, loved her hair. This gal is coming back in a big way and I cannot WAIT for the XFactor premiere tonight! I've never watched the show, but Britney's my girl, so I'm all in!

After taking this kid to guitar lessons we stopped at starbucks to get our study on... he knows way too much about history. This kid is General Dad's all the way... he's got a TON of information packed into that head of his! I was very impressed with his study skillz. Then we ran over to Tae Kwon Do, did I mention my baby bro is a black belt and could take me down at any moment? Well, he is-- and he can. 

The week's not over yet and I already don't know how SuperMom does it... these kids have SO much going on! 

In other news, I created a nursery inspiration board for Honey+Fitz today and there are a ton of great bloggers that are part of this series so go check it out daily for precious nursery ideas from the best bloggers out there!!!

Have a great Wednesday abode lovers! 


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