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inspiring sponsorinspiring sponsor

Hello abode lovers, it's hump day again... it's hard to believe that we're halfway through this week! I've been enjoying the much cooler fall weather down in Birmingham (think mid 80's, ha!) but I'm ready for real fall to sneak around the corner at any moment! One of my favorite things about cooler …

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holy spoonflower!holy spoonflower!

Spoonflower, you've done it. You've made me so excited I could pee my britches. You've also made me so excited that this is my second blog post of the day.... thank you, thank you for fulfilling my fantasy of designing my own wallpaper at a great price. It's also REMOVABLE so it's great for renters …

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pinning... pinning... pinning...pinning... pinning... pinning...

Hello abode lovers and hello Tuesday. Don't treat me poorly please, I already woke up late this morning and I would love for this day to run smoothly- so suck it up and don't be a pansy, Tuesday.My way of getting my act together AND starting a day off inspired is to hop on Pinterest and drool over m…

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style with cutting boardsstyle with cutting boards

Hello abode lovers and happy Monday- it's another week, anyone wishing that the weekend continued to Monday and work and "real world" stuff started on Tuesday? I do. The weekend flew by because it was packed with work projects of my own! I'm going to have a hella-cray-cray week, but it almost always…

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don't just pass through...don't just pass through...

Hello abode lovers and happy weekend to you all! I know Saturday blogging isn't typically my jam... but when inspiration hits, you've just got to run with it! So-- today I want to talk about hallways. Some of you may have noticed this already by reading Abode Love and checking out my home tour on th…

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