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a merry little christmas....a merry little christmas....

I hope that all of my abode lovers have a beautiful and blessed Christmas! I will be spending the next few days with family and could NOT be any happier! My car is packed to the tippy-top with gifts... so excited to see everyone and start celebrating the reason for the season!Have yourself a merry l…

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judging a book by it's cover...judging a book by it's cover...

I know, I know... Christmas is the season of GIVING! (no worries, my Christmas tree is packed with gifts for people OTHER than myself) BUT I have indulged in a few special items before the big day.... this is one of them:An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin... I love Steve Martin, and I LOVED the mov…

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monkey see, monkey do: bone inlay!monkey see, monkey do: bone inlay!

So- since purchasing my faux bone inlay mirror from Wisteria... I have had bone inlay on the brain! Now- I NEED YOUR HELP! I just KNOW that a fabulous blogger has painted a mirror to look like an inlaid piece... can anyone help me with the link? I cannot believe that I have lost it! I am thinking of…

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Hanging out around Abode Love!?!Hanging out around Abode Love!?!

I mean, knock me off my feet this morning why don't you!!! I feel like I'm a 6th grader in middle school and someone just passed me a note saying "so-and-so totally likes you, I heard him saying it in P.E.! P.S. I also heard that the 8th grade girls are going to invite us to their party this weekend…

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monkey see, monkey do: sheepskin!monkey see, monkey do: sheepskin!

(anyone have problems seeing my post about my mirror wall? Some friends have mentioned not seeing it-- CHECK IT OUT! it's my LAST edition to my kitchen remodel!)BACK TO BUSINESS....Oh yes- I have once again jumped on the bandwagon.... drank the koolaid... bought a sheepskin rug/throw! I have always …

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