I'm not sure if anyone else has been following the fabulous show Design Star on HGTV- but I have definitely been obsessed! and I know, I know... this is old news to some people... but, Most of the time, the top 3 of the competition are just okay- but man, this season, nobody disappointed! The top two came down to Emily and Michael, who I have love, loved from day one- so I was happy to see these two as the last ones standing!

So- for those of you who don't know who won... it was Emily! She has great style- and I have really enjoyed seeing her create beautiful spaces. Emily's new show is called Secrets of a Stylist.... so check it out!
Here are images of Emily's work... I would feel totally comfortable letting her create whatever she wanted in my abode! How about you? What do you think of Emily and her style?

this glass box challenge is what landed Emily in the top 2-- I mean, LOVE it! She mimicked this space after her personal clothing style... such a great way to design!
and this is the space she designed for a fellow contestant... she based it off of his style, and trust me, it's dead on... this was the room that won her the Design Star title and tv show!
Here are more images from Emily's portfolio.... get ready for eclectic prettiness!
I am loving this space... the campaign style bedside table is so lovely- the artwork is light and airy- but there is quite a lot of style packed in these small prints... they bring a lot of "quirky-ness" to the space... 
I would now like a shiny, gold coffee cup.
again, I really love the attention to beautiful and lively artwork-

do I have to keep pointing out the artwork? I mean, Emily is an artist's dream... she appreciates what an impact art can have on a space...
love cowhide.
and more artwork in a collage- lovely.
really lovely- I love this chair!

How lovely is this little nook!? I adore all of the green and white- it's so fresh and young!
the gold finishes in this little nook are so lovely-- that little lamp and side table want to come home with me! Also, notice that Emily uses another BRIGHT colored rug- it really livens up the space...

campaign style side tables again... nice.
must. find. gold. piglet.

I am really loving the chaise below the window... it has such a soft and pleasing metallic sheen...
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!


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