Remember this post titled, black door bliss...? Well.... I took the plunge on my FRONT DOOR. Thank you Martha Stewart for your high gloss black paint (and of course your infinite wisdom in general)- I don't know how I could have done it without you.

Our abode faces a major beating from the sun every afternoon- so our front door is just destined to look bad most of the time. I don't know anything about staining-- Colonel Dad gave me a not-so-brief run-down of what it would entail to "refinish" my door and I decided that I didn't care about our wood door that much. I also knew that I wanted something more dramatic than a simple, stained door. So what did I do? I sanded that sucker and painted it high gloss black, duh. I adore it.

Does this image remind anyone else of an old woman who has seen way too many days in the sun but still slathers on the baby oil and bakes for hours on end?? Like an old, cracked leather shoe, ugh. It does to me. My poor door needed some serious help.

Thanks again Martha, you're the bomb... and so is your paint.
Another before image of my haggard door from Christmas.
 bless it's heart.

On top of painting my super sad door, I was finally able to use a door knocker! Isn't my door knocker gorgeous!? This may be my favorite part of the entire exterior of our abode... Mr. Husband gave this to me 2 Christmases ago and I have been waiting to place this little guy on our front door. I LOVE him! Mr. Hubbs got this guy from At Home in Homewood, AL. (He DID have a little help from me on this purchase, but he totally agreed that it was presh. (no worries, those weren't his exact use of words...)

We have a pair of black rocking chairs on our front porch and now it all makes sense-- the look of our sweet, little abode is now high contrast- and it's SO much better. Pulling up to my house is now a proud "tail-thumping" moment for me instead of a "cowering-tail-between-the-legs-moment." HOORAY!

Have a fabulous Monday abode lovers!


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