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ceramic ladyceramic lady

So, do you remember this post about the ceramic puppy planters? Well... I was beyond inspired by Jeff Koons puppy planters ($7500.00-- I know, right? too. freakin. expensive.) and wanted to show all of my abode lovers some great (and much cheaper) options via Etsy. I didn't include two pups that I l…

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gray cabinetrygray cabinetry

So- I was sifting through some of my inspiration images for my kitchen and ran across these beauties! Before painting my cabinets I thought long and hard about the colors I would choose. I wanted to see as many gray painted cabinets as possible before painting my kitchen island gray!viaunkown viavia…

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puppy planter...puppy planter...

Anyone heard of Jeff Koons? Well, I hadn't until a few days ago- and now, of course, I'm obsessed. Unfortunately. Jeff Koons is a modern artist who created a puppy vase that I can no longer live without. I thought that surely I would be able to find one of these- but they're just a tad out of my pri…

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nene's friends from the forest nurserynene's friends from the forest nursery

Who is Nene you ask? Well, she is one of my 3 sisters. She is the oldest- and she lives in Atlanta with her one year old, Preston and her Hubbs, Peyton. And why am I telling all of you this? Well- because she is having ANOTHER baby boy! We are all so excited- and I got to designing a mood board imme…

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